This site will follow along with Micah's third grade journey and Lilly's preschool journey.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Labor Day - flying high!

Matt & I had a 'date morning' today.  For our 40th birthdays, my mom & dad got us each a hot-air balloon ride.  It's taken us almost 2 years to complete this activity, but we did.  We drove to Chandler, AZ at 4:30am this morning and lifted off the ground, in our balloon, a few minutes after 6am.  It wasn't a very windy day so in 1-hour we only traveled a distance of 3 miles.  (You can see Matt's Google Map of our route.)  We reached a height of 1 mile.  The most interesting fact to me was that when we did the math (adding up the weight of the balloon items, the people, and the air) we were equivalent to a mac truck flying in the air.  It was a gentle, beautiful, and amazing experience!  Thanks mom & dad.

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