This site will follow along with Micah's third grade journey and Lilly's preschool journey.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Spirit Week

Lilly liked having to wear green for St. Patrick's Day, so she declared Monday "Blue Day".  It has become a whole week of silly things to wear - our own Spirit Week.  Maybe you can join us.  If so, take a picture and send it to us.

MONDAY - BLUE DAY (or you get a spanking)
TUESDAY - PURPLE DAY (To cheer on the Rockies - Micah's baseball team; game at 5pm)
WEDNESDAY - PAJAMA / SPORT DAY (am/pm - since we have PE in the afternoon)
THURSDAY - CRAZY HAIR DAY (North Valley Gymnastics is doing this all week)
FRIDAY - HAWAIIAN DAY (Dad's choice)

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