This site will follow along with Micah's third grade journey and Lilly's preschool journey.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Sunday Service - El Faro

We went to church service this morning at El Faro.  It was wonderful seeing friends, adults and children.  There were lots of hugs and smiles.  I recognized 2 worship songs and sang them in English, the others I did my best to read the Spanish words from the powerpoint.  The breeze in the crossway was refreshing and listening to Rafael speak was interesting.  The scriptures he selected for his sermon were on the same pages as some verses that I will be using and relating to for my lessons this week.  He went in a completely different direction, but it was neat to see how God brought those together.
There was a family there that the children had attended the Strong Families VBS last month. It was exciting to show them the pictures I brought and hug them again.  Another amazing thing ... the Sunday School classrooms are now concreted.  Wow, big changes and growth already.

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