This site will follow along with Micah's third grade journey and Lilly's preschool journey.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Micah's 9th birthday party

 Wow, ... Micah desperately wanted to have a "Baseball Game" birthday party this year.  He's briefly mentioned it for a couple of years, but always came up with something else by the time July rolled around.  This time is was the perfect year - 9 years old and 9 players on a team.  Even though our parties only consist of approximately 20 minutes outdoors (due to the extreme heat of July/August) and the rest of the time in our home ... it was worth the risk.  We were all very excited to see this happen and we just 'trusted' that it would all work out.  IT DID!!  It was such a GREAT birthday party - we had a BALL!!!
Micah invited 30 boys - his day-in/day-out friends and his Rockies baseball team buddies.  We needed 18 to make 2 full teams.  There were 22 boys thrilled and able to come.  We put a roster sheet table in the driveway as they arrived.  They set down their baseball equipment, picked up their personalized baseball trading cards and began trading with one another.  Once everyone arrived (all on-time) by 9:15am, we walked over to the baseball field across the street.  Matt & I had set up a "Concession Stand" canopy (licorice, water, popcorn, sunflower seeds, pretzel sticks) and a "porta-potty tent" (yes, we did).  The teams were:  DIAMONDBACKS vs. ROCKIES.
After playing 7 innings, we sang "Happy Birthday", ate lunch (hot dogs, chips, & Gatorade) and cut into the cake.  The weather was marvelous, the boys were well-behaved and played well, and Micah LOVED it!
Here are the two teams:
DIAMONDBACKS (Coach: Bubar & Rich) and ROCKIES (Coach: Beynon & Kroening)

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