This site will follow along with Micah's third grade journey and Lilly's preschool journey.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Yummy Thursday

Day 4 is all about LOVE.  "Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God; and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God." 1 John 4:7
God is everything.  God is independent.  Acts 17:24-25
The kids thought craft time and snack time were quite 'yummy' today.  We used Froot Loops for our craft and Ms. Susan had USA Goldfish for snack.  Special treats!  In the afternoon we made 'fruit bowls' out of modeling clay.
Our book, The Berenstein Bears Love Their Neighbors, was quite well timed.  While driving to the festival Papa Bear's car began to sputter and within minutes the radiator burst.  Yes, the radiator!  I shared that one with Martin.

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